
“You may not control all of the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”  

~Maya Angelou

Each of us has encountered difficulties in life; some more extreme than others.  Some obstacles are out of our control (e.g., chronic and/or life threatening health issues), and some are imposed on us by others (e.g., child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual assault, infidelity, etc.), while others are a result of our own decisions (e.g., behaviors we choose to engage in, the ways we choose to treat others, etc.).  Some happen in a moment’s time while others last over a longer period.  Some alter us physically while others impact us psychologically.  Some experiences impact us both physically and mentally.

Each experience impacts us but it DOES NOT have to define who we are or who we become in life.  We have a choice, we can give into the experience and let it control us or use it to learn and ultimately make us stronger, better people.  Some people bow down to the difficulty and use it as an excuse not to thrive; they let it control and inhibit their goals.  These same people tend to blame everyone else for their mistakes instead of taking ownership.  I chose not to give into the things that happened to me.  I chose to learn from them and vowed never to repeat them or allow them to define my life.  Consequently, the purpose of this website/blog is to provide a safe place to share and learn from life’s obstacles; a place to contribute, encourage, and practice RESILIENCE.  My hope is to develop a community of strong, independent individuals who can practice resiliency and empower one another.

While it is not always easy to share our struggles with others, I believe it is important to do so in order to process and grow as an individual.  I also believe it is important to help others through their own struggles.  By sharing our experiences, we empower ourselves as well as others.



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